by Aletha Porter
(Lewisporte, Nl, Canada)
Valentines Day 2010
I was 18 when I was diagnosed with PCOS. I was to several doctors who said I would never have a child of my own, it's medically impossible due to the fact that my PCOS was so bad at 18.
Meanwhile I was only about 200 lbs, still overweight but not a whole lot, when you take into factor that I had a severe thyroid problem for a few years prior to finding this out about the PCOS.
So after finding this out about the PCOS, I decided that I would not ever want kids, so I went to college and started my course in ECE (early childhood Education).
So after being in my course for a year and being with my now Hubby, for 4 yrs, we said if it is at all possible then maybe we should start trying now.
I looked up information online about PCOS, and I went to my doctor, and told him, so he said for me to take metformin, exercise and continue to eat right. He said this may take a while to work but you may have a chance to have a baby of your own, so I took the metformin for about 3 months, and then I gave up. That was in October of 2007.
I continued to exercise and eat right, even without the pill, so the months went by, and December, the 31st to be exact, and I was so emotional and after missing 2 periods, but figured it was just due to the PCOS (did happen before).
So I said to my partner maybe I should get a test just to make sure that I'm not pregnant, so we picked one up and a very faint but still there line came up saying positive (meanwhile I did this at night, about 8pm, so I said to him, aww, it's a fake positive. There was still one stick left, so I told him I would do it in the morning. That morning I got up, and got my things and went to get in the shower.
Just before I got in, I did the test (with the first morning pee) and when I looked ...there it was, the very very bright positive. I did not believe it. I cried. I shook. I had done it all!
I never though I would have a baby of my own, safe to say that I did. I had a beautiful baby girl, on August 22nd, 2008 at 5:48 pm. She weighed in at 7 lbs and 5oz and 53.5 cm long, with a full head with so many, many curls, and the biggest blue eyes! And now my baby will soon be 2, where has the time gone? I don't know, but please don't give up, just take the pill, exercise and eat right!
If I did not do this I would not be a 21 yr old mom and loving every minute of my life with my beautiful baby girl, who her daddy names her Lily and I named her Grace, our angel from above!
Mommy Loves you Lily-Grace
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