Feeling Better after Only 1 Week on the PCOS Diet

by Veronica
(Alhambra, CA)

When I was younger, doctors simply prescribed the birth control pill to regulate my menstrual cycle. When I got married, I was diagnosed with PCOS but the only options I received were to continue on the birth control pill which successfully causes me to menstruate or receive fertility treatment (Clomid) to begin an attempt to conceive.

I couldn't understand why my medical doctors and gynecologist didn't seem interested in pursuing a solution to my condition that didn't involve the prevention of or focus on achieving pregnancy.

It seemed obvious to me that if my body was not doing something that it should be doing naturally (i.e. ovulate) then there was a problem that needed to be corrected.

I had blood tests done and everything turned out normal (well within healthy ranges). As a matter of fact, my family doctor told me that I was a good health but that if I lost weight I could be in EXCELLENT health.

Funny thing is that I have always exercised and focused on eating healthy (according to the food pyramid guidelines) but it was strange how it didn't seem to make a difference for me.

I was grateful that my efforts had helped me to avoid the common illnesses that run in my family like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease but I still couldn't understand how it could be possible that everything was NORMAL and yet my body wasn't behaving normally.

Earlier this year, I started seeing a nutritionist and EVEN SHE felt comfortable that I was eating the "correct" foods. I've had coworkers tell me that I eat healthier than anyone they know plus I work part-time at a local YMCA leading a fitness class and encouraging others to exercise and yet I still don't "look" FIT.

Anyway, to make an already long message short, I just want to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for the research you have done and the hard work you placed in putting this awesome book together and especially for sharing the knowledge you've learned!!

I have only been on your plan for a little over ONE WEEK and I can already see and feel the difference with my body!!! I miraculously lost 5 pounds and I can feel my ovaries being jump started so I expect that I'll be having a natural menstrual cycle soon (of course unless I become pregnant) but either way, I'm convinced that eliminating the grains and dairy from my diet are the secret to managing this syndrome.

May God bless you richly for helping me and the many other women who suffer from PCOS! I already purchased copies of the book for myself, my sister, my mother and my best friend!!! We eagerly look forward to future updated versions of your book! Thank you!!!

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Positve Pregnancy Test after Avoiding Allergic Foods
by: Veronica

I'm sending this e-mail to give you & Dr. Dunne an update on my progress ... I just received a POSITIVE pregnancy test! My husband & I are still in a state of shock because we were convinced that we would eventually have to seek fertility treatment!

My family doctor calls your recommendations a "hippie diet" but based on the fact he had no other solutions for me, he reluctantly agreed to send me for food allergy testing as suggested in the book. He ordered a simple test which only tested about 10 food items but even so this resulted in my being slightly intolerant to wheat. Upon further testing, I came up as slightly intolerant to Rye & Barley. I continued to avoid these items in my diet and slowly added back the foods which showed no sign of intolerance.

It was amazing to me to begin seeing my body "jump start" and start to show signs of upcoming ovulation but because I don't ovulate or cycle regularly, it was incredible for me to believe that it was actually happening on its own!

I sincerely appreciate your efforts in putting this information out there for women such as myself! Although, I am finding that it is much more difficult to follow the diet in the winter months not only because the variety and availability of fruits & vegetables is low but also because eating salad isn't as appealing as it is in the summer time.

In any case, I thank God that I came across your website and purchased your book. I'm thrilled to be pregnant! Thank you very, very much!!!

Improving Our Diet Gives Us Hope
by: Billie

What an amazing story!

In spite of all the obstacles and frustrations, it gives us hope to know that we have some control over PCOS by improving our diet and having a healthier lifestyle.

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