Feeling good and healthy- finally!

by Lucy

I was diagnosed with PCOS about 4 years ago.

I had two very hard years in which I had a lot of fatigue and insomnia and felt sick a lot of the time.

I was not getting my work done at work - gaining weight - and feeling bad about myself.

Last year at this time I felt like there was nothing I could do to get my PCOS under control.

But, I got tested for vitamin D and found I was quite low.

I also started using bio-identical progesterone cream when my symptoms got bad.

I eliminated almost all processed carbs from my diet and started practicing positivity toward my body.

I have felt very healthy and great for 6 months.

I recently learned that I can eat much less and that in eating less I actually have more energy.

I have lost 26 pounds and feel the healthiest I have in a long time.

I still have bad weeks sometimes but I use the tools I have and things get better again.

I hope you all keep working at getting healthy- it's totally possible to feel good again!


Editor's comments: Hi Lucy, what an amazing turnaround! Your story will be an inspiration to many. I hope every person who reads this will read it TWICE.

We think EVERY woman who has polycystic ovary syndrome or who is overweight should get a vitamin D test. A vitamin D deficiency is associated with almost every PCOS symptom you care to name, including lack of ovulation.

Vitamin D is so important that a good deal of it is included in our d-pinitol formula, which is the most popular product we offer. I think it's popular because it works.

I'm also a big fan of bio-identical natural progesterone, and not synthetic progestins. The bio-identical hormone is more effective and has no side effects.

By the way, we all have "bad" weeks. When that happens, we just get back on track and have no regrets. The past is history. The present is where we want to be.

I completely agree that very high quality food, even in moderate amounts, provides much more energy. Eating more of the wrong foods causes energy to drop.

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