Finally pregnant at 37!

by Simply Pc
(San Antonio, TX, USA)

I was diagnosed with PCOS at 16. Put on the pill and sent home.

It was severe for me. No cycles or maybe one a year and absolutely no ovulation.

After the age of 20, I stopped taking the birth control pill because I wanted to get pregnant.

17 years later I still was not pregnant. I adopted 3 wonderful boys and raised a family.

About 7 months ago I decided I wanted to rid my body of toxins and started the master cleanse diet.

I did 10 days of a modified cleanse.

I would drink the drinks in the morning and by noon though I would get my favorite vegetable soup or chicken tortilla soup and just eat the broth. Still sticking to the liquids only but my blood sugar wouldn't allow me to just drink their drinks. I just modified it enough so that it made me feel good.

2 weeks later I was pregnant. I can't tell you why it worked for me or if it was just a large fluke however I do know that I am now 6 1/2 months pregnant with a little boy. Mommy's little miricle :).


Editor's comments: Congratulations on the upcoming new addition to the family!

The issue of accumulated toxic substances is a big problem. These substances can contribute to a host of chronic health issues, including both male and female infertility.

We are exposed to roughly 70,000 chemicals in our environment. Only a handful have ever been tested for toxicity in humans. No one knows what deleterious effects these chemicals are having in your body. No one knows how these chemicals might work in combination. In addition to chemical pollution, there is the problem of heavy metal toxicity.

To top it off, there are hormones in our water supply and elsewhere. Where did these hormones come from? They came from all those birth control pills and all the other hormones we all have been taking and that we have been giving to our livestock for the past half century.

From the studies we've seen, it appears that nearly everyone has detectable levels of some environmental chemical in their body. Some of these compounds are known hormone disrupters. Most of them are a complete mystery. It's quite possible all these chemicals and hormones could have an effect on the incidence of PCOS and may worsen the condition.

It's safe to say that continual exposure to hormones and 70,000 chemicals in your environment is not good for your health.

What can you do?

There is no escape from all this pollution. So what you want to do is minimize your exposure to it. One way to reduce your exposure is to consume whole, organic foods. Foods rich in fiber are a good idea. And drink purified water.

One note of caution if you are an overweight woman with PCOS who decides to go on a modified fast or "cleansing diet" for a length of time in order to lose weight.

Your fat cells are storage depots for fat-soluble petrochemicals. As you lose weight, some of these chemicals will be released from your fat cells and get into your blood circulation. The result is that you might not feel well, although every person will feel differently. We suggest you consult with a licensed naturopathic physician for guidance before starting any modified fast or cleansing program.

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You may need to do some additional things
by: PCOS Editor

If metformin hasn't helped you to ovulate, you'll need to think about doing additional things.

For example, what's your vitamin D level? If it's low, you may have trouble ovulating. See Jenn's story for details.

How's your thyroid function? Many women with PCOS have mild hypothyroidism, which can prevent a normal cycle.

There are a number of nutritional supplements that directly or indirectly help to restore a more normal hormone balance so that ovulation and pregnancy can occur. Inositol is one common example.

Can you improve your diet? For example, eating five servings of vegetables every day and staying away from processed junk foods will help you to metabolize and control your hormones. A low-quality diet is associated with ovarian cysts, PCOS and all of its related symptoms including lack of a normal cycle.

Thank you this gives me some hope
by: Anonymous

I am 28 and not necessarily set on having a baby right now, but I definitely wouldn't be upset if it happened. I'm mostly worried that I'll never have one. I haven't had a period in almost a year. I have PCOS and right now I'm on 1500 mg of metformin. I want to try the master cleanse but will have to make sure it's safe with metformin. Although I am thinking about not taking it anymore as it hasn't really helped me at all.

Re: finally pregnant at 37
by: Anonymous

This is a happy story. Nice to hear. The information on the reply is interesting that the toxins in the fat cells get into the bloodstream and may make us not feel well. I just recently lost about 15 lbs and went through about 2 bouts of "cleansing" from it. I didn't expect the "cleansing' (running to the bathroom) but it was definitely these weeks that I lost the most weight. I still need to loose more weight but in the mean time still trying. We have a 5 yr old and trying for second now for over 2 years. I'm taking progesterone each month but do not have insulin resistance so no metformin. First try of clomid didn't work but want to try it again - waiting for appt with gyn. I'm 33.
Congrats and thank you for information.

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