There's a lot of uncertainty and confusion regarding hair thinning and hair loss in women.
The Natural Solutions for Female Hair Loss e-book has been written to clear away some of the confusion and show a path forward for gaining more control over female hair loss.
But even if you don't take advantage of what's in the e-book, let's answer some of the hundreds of questions we've been receiving about your hair loss.
I describe several dozen things you can do to help your hair grow back. But the short answer is you'll very likely need to do a number of different things at the same time. It may be some combination of natural therapies, stress reduction, diet, lifestyle modification, selected supplements, improved hair care techniques, selected products applied to your scalp and possibly pharmaceuticals.
Your combination of treatments should be based on a better diagnosis of the problem and some very specific lab testing. I discuss all of this in the e-book.
The essential truth about hair loss is that it's affected by many factors. If you overlook one or two important factors, you may not solve your hair loss problem. Secondly, there are some aspects of hair loss that are still not fully understood. The e-book has two extensive chapters that review most of the known possible causes of female hair loss.
No one can say how long it will take. It depends on many factors, including your genetic predisposition and what your specific underlying health issues are. You should give yourself at least 12 months before deciding whether something is working or not.
The sooner you start a long-term hair loss prevention program, the better off you will be. As hair loss advances, it becomes harder to restore the hair you've already lost. The sooner you start, the more likely it is that you'll keep much of your hair.
Well, first of all, surgical hair transplantation in women is less likely to be successful than it is in men. In the case of androgenic alopecia, women have poorer hair donor sites because the hair thinning is more dispersed throughout the scalp. So moving hair from one place to another isn't always effective. In contrast, men tend to have localized areas of hair loss, as seen in well-defined balding areas while some areas are completely normal.
So analyze your situation carefully before committing to a $20,000 hair restoration program.
Pharmaceutical treatment can help in some cases, but they usually have to be continued indefinitely. If they are stopped, the hair loss returns. In addition, they all have adverse side effects. Therefore the advisability of long-term use is debatable.
Because conventional treatments have limited effectiveness or have side effects, the e-book includes every possible alternative treatment that I could find that has some research to back it up.
Hair loss involves multiple imbalances and disturbances in your biological messenger systems. Hormones are one aspect of this complex messaging system.
The most common form of hair loss is called androgenic alopecia. Androgens are male hormones. In this type of hair loss, androgens are thought to be primarily responsible. However, androgenic alopecia is far more involved than just an androgen excess.
Thoughts and feelings are known to cause biological and physical changes in your body. Think of your body and your mind as one tightly integrated, interconnected whole, where each part influences all the other parts.
If you're harboring negative or disturbed feelings, you could be inducing the production of stress hormones.
Your hair follicles are very sensitive to stress. The source of stress could be anything, ranging from swimming without a bathing cap in a chlorinated swimming pool to going through an ugly divorce.
I list stress as one of the contributors to hair loss.
There are many measures you could take. I'd say the most important is to improve the quality and composition of your diet. Protect your scalp from the sun. Get more exercise, which improves hormone balance and circulation to the scalp. Find a way to reduce stress! Take probiotics. Check for mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Don't smoke cigarettes or marijuana.
All of this is discussed and explained in more detail in the ebook.
Yes, there are. The e-book has a chapter that reviews 7 herbs and 26 supplements. This chapter references 77 research studies regarding these herbs and supplements.
But let me warn you. There are very few clinical trials regarding alternative treatments for female hair loss. Most of the research is on laboratory animals. I've given you all the research that I could find. It's a shame that no one seems interested in funding extensive clinical trials to evaluate these natural nutrients.
On the other hand, based on the available research, some of these nutrients look promising.
Because hair loss is a very complex process, there is no simple way to treat it. It is not as well understood as you may think. Secondly, there is a lot of variation among individuals, even if they have the same type of hair loss.
Thirdly, women are different from men. It can be argued that hair loss in men is somewhat easier to treat than in women. Fourth, pharmaceutical companies have apparently not found it profitable to develop an effective, safe, long-term pharmaceutical treatment.
Put her on a much healthier diet! Teach her principles of a healthy diet and lead by example. There is a ton of dietary information in the e-book. And get her to exercise or be physically active every day.
Dietary and lifestyle practices play a huge role in hair loss prevention.
It's happening because some combination of processes have gone wrong in your body. If your doctor does not find out which processes are going wrong and WHY they are going wrong, there is no way he or she can fix it.
Instead, your doctor may make a "best guess" and prescribe a medication if you want one. Something like birth control pills, spironolactone, metformin, minoxidil, or whatever.
An additional problem is that most doctors do not take a holistic view of your body. Your doctor may view your body as individual pieces. Your hair. Your ovaries. Your cholesterol. Your joints. Your allergies. Your heart. Your GI tract. Etc.
They're unlikely to have time or the inclination to ask you about your emotional state, or assess your liver function, and ask you about bowel movements or how much fat you consume in your diet. They don't have time for all that. Yet your emotions, liver, gut and diet all have an influence on your hair.
For example, you may be eating things that cause your adrenal glands to over-produce male hormones called androgens. The excess androgens then predispose you to androgenic hair loss, which is the most common form of hair loss.
So you end up taking an anti-androgen drug to suppress androgen production while at the same time you're eating food that increases androgen production. It's like stepping on the gas and the brake at the same time.
That's exactly what I try to accomplish in the e-book.
Yes, it might. In the e-book, I explain that chronic inflammation is a suspected primary cause of hair loss. Excess fat weight is highly inflammatory. Fat cells produce biochemical signals that increase systemic inflammation.
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