by Aida
Me, last month
I'm 17 years old. In my whole life I've only had 3-4 periods over all.
After doing a lot of tests for my family doctor, I met with a Specialist today and he told me I have PCOS.... But I'm not really worried.
I've always been over-weighted but as soon as I turned 17 on January 28th, I told myself that no matter how comfortable I am with myself, I better shape up so I can live a long and healthy life.
So as of February I started watching what I eat, walking or dancing and reducing the amount of oil and sugar in my daily food.
I was 250 pounds when I started (a lot for my age I know) but now (July 7th) after 5 months, I'm 218 pounds and am still losing weight.
I've never had a boyfriend or thought about having a baby in future so I'm not really worried about infertility, but my cousin and my mom (who has even lost her right ovary) are diagnosed with the same disease and they both have given birth a couple of times successfully.
Don't give up girls... If you are overweight you can start losing weight, if you have too much hair or dark skin color (like me) we can shave and use creams...
As long as we don't have a disease that would kill us, we can overcome this problems but caring for ourselves. It might not sound very reasonable when a 17 year old girl is saying it. But I think PCOS doesn't cause Depression, the cause is us who are worried and overwhelmed, who get really concerned with our looks.
Best of Luck to all of You!
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