Lossing weight and getting my body back in balance!!

by Kathy D
(Lawton MI)

I found out that I had PCOS about 6 years ago.

I never really looked into it or did anything about it. Until a few months ago when I saw my OBGYN and he told me that ignoring it was the worst thing I could do for my long term health.

So I set out to find answers. In my searches I came across your book, I read the other women's success stories and was inspired.

I bought the book and set out to change my lifestyle.

I am excited to report that in 4 weeks I have lost 10 lbs, my excess facial hair has reduced by about 50% and finally just this week I started a cycle on my own!

I am beyond thrilled with the results that I am having.

I have also noticed that by eating a healthy and balanced diet the sugar cravings are gone, my mood is better and I have tons more energy.

I am looking forward to a happy and healthy future!!

Thank you for your research and wonderful book.


Editor's note: The book Kathy is referring to is The Natural Diet Solution for PCOS and Infertility.

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