PCOS Review Newsletter #107
1) Nutrients for Improved Fertility and Successful Pregnancy in PCOS
2) Are Genetically Modified Foods Affecting Your Health?
1) Nutrients for Improved Fertility and Successful Pregnancy in PCOS
Women who have polycystic ovary syndrome are known to have poorer egg quality and lower fertilization rates.
If infertility or miscarriage is a problem for you, research from the University of Milan in Italy may contain a partial solution for you.
Micronutrient deficiencies have been associated with higher reproductive risks, ranging from infertility to fetal structural defects and long-term diseases.
The Italian researchers reviewed published medical studies on the topic of micro-nutrients (such as vitamins and minerals) and reproduction.
They discovered that the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and homocysteine were associated with various reproductive problems.
ROS describes unstable molecules in your body that in turn damage other molecules, resulting in cell damage. Homocysteine is a normal byproduct of metabolism. But when it builds up, it can cause damage.
Women with PCOS tend to have higher ROS and higher homocysteine than other women. In addition, high homocysteine has been shown to reduce fertility in women who have PCOS.
The researchers also found that micronutrients appear to be helpful in preventing reproductive problems, partly by reducing ROS and homocysteine.
The research study concluded: "the prophylactic use of some micronutrients may be useful in preventing several adverse pregnancy outcomes."
For example, the B-complex vitamins will reduce homocysteine levels, and reduced homocysteine improves fertility.
This information suggests that a high-quality multi-vitamin/mineral should be considered as part of an overall treatment program for dealing with PCOS and its related reproductive problems.
A high-quality pregnancy supplement formula such as Wellness Essentials for Pregnancy is another good possibility.
Berker, B et al, Homocysteine concentrations in follicular fluid are associated with poor oocyte and embryo qualities in polycystic ovary syndrome patients undergoing assisted reproduction, Hum Reprod. 2009 Sep;24(9):2293-302
Cetin, I et al, Role of micronutrients in the periconceptional period, Hum Reprod Update. 2010 Jan-Feb;16(1):80-95
2) Are Genetically Modified Foods Affecting Your Health?
Genetically modified foods are referred to as GMO foods.
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are the result of laboratory processes which artificially insert foreign genes into the DNA of food crops or animals. Those genes may come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans.
Although banned by food manufacturers in Europe and elsewhere, the FDA does not require any safety evaluations.
GMOs have not been proven to be safe, but have been in the food supply since 1996 and are now present in the vast majority of processed foods in the U.S.
For example, in The Natural Diet Solution for PCOS and Infertility ebook, the authors do not include soy in their recommended diet. They also strongly recommend consumption of organic (non-GMO) foods.
Why would they say that?
They outlined several reasons, one of which is the genetic modification of soy beans. Most of the soy consumed in the United States is made from genetically modified (GMO) soybeans.
It seems odd that there has not been a lot of published research on the long-term health effects of GMO foods such as soy. Does the food industry have something to hide?
However, there are whiffs of information starting to surface to suggest that GMO foods such as soy may adversely affect your health, including your fertility and the fertility of your offspring.
We were alerted to this problem by two unconnected bits of research. You may recall that we reported the first published case of a woman with PCOS who had hair growth in her mouth. We were inclined to dismiss this as an unexplained freak oddity.
And then we were surprised to discover a report about an unpublished Russian study of hamsters also growing hair in their mouths.
And guess what? The hamsters that had hair growing in their mouths consumed GMO soy for two years -- the same genetically modified (GM) soy that is produced on over 90 percent of the soy acreage in the US.
In contrast, hamsters eating non-GMO soy did not grow hair in their mouths.
Secondly, the second generation of hamsters in the GMO soy group had slower growth rates, reached sexual maturity later, had fewer pups, with a 25% infant mortality.
The third-generation hamsters were all sterile!
Folks, we have no idea what genetically modified foods are doing to our bodies. The government is not talking. The food industry is not talking. There is no one out there to truly protect you.
Only you can protect you. Arm yourself with knowledge about the risks of GMO foods such as soy.
We recommend that you watch this video about GMO foods:
If you are going to eat soy, we strongly recommend that you avoid genetically modified soy -- and all other GMO foods.
A recent study of female rats has shown that GMO soy has different effects on the uterus and ovaries than does non-GMO soy. Something is going on. Until we have more conclusive research, it's wise to avoid GMO soy food products.
The Voice of Russia, Russia says genetically modified foods are harmful.
Brasil, FB et al, The impact of dietary organic and transgenic soy on the reproductive system of female adult rat, Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2009 Apr;292(4):587-94
3) The Rewards of Self-Love
An important rule of success in life is to learn to love and appreciate yourself.
You are worthy of all the worlds riches, whether financial, physical, emotional or spiritual.
To be able to have anything in life, you must first believe that you are worthy of it. If you do not believe you are worthy of living the good life, you will unconsciously sabotage yourself and your efforts.
It's well known that we strive to prove ourselves right. As Richard Bach said, "Argue for your limitations and they will be yours."
Have you decided you don't deserve what you really want in life? Maybe that was the message that your parents gave you or maybe you just picked up that belief from your environment.
But here's a question: How is this belief serving you or your family? What will this belief cost you in time and lost opportunities for fun and enjoyment? Is this belief really worth hanging on to?
Do things daily that improve your self-esteem. An excellent way to improve your life is to expose yourself to information every day that reminds you of how worthy you are of having whatever you are willing to create for yourself.
The power of your mind is the instrument of your success or failure, and happiness or unhappiness in life.
Dont associate with others who dwell on the negative. Stay away from negative newspaper, magazine, television, and radio information that drags you down and makes you focus on what is not working.
Get out of old ruts of thinking, acting, and behaving. A rut is a living death.
For the next 21 days create a new routine for yourself. Do things differently. Simply changing your habits will give you the opportunity to enjoy new things. Allow yourself to see new opportunities and you will recreate the spark in your life that makes life fun again.
It's sad that most people go through life unconsciously. They get up at the same time every the morning, eat the same breakfast, drive the same route to work, eat lunch with the same people, talk about the same worn, tired subjects and then go home and do the same thing night after night.
These are the same people who say life is no longer fun. They complain there is nothing to do and that life is boring. Their relationships are dying on the vine from lack of stimulation.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life, so do something different!
Try changing your routine -- experiment by wearing different outfits, trying new foods, going out to eat in a new place, shopping in a different part of town. Invite a neighbor over whom youve not really gotten to know before. Go to a museum or the library and read books on subjects that you've never read before. Try a new haircut.
Just do something different every day for next 21 days and discover how much more alive you have become!
Thought for Today: "The only religion is kindness." -- Tenzin Gyatso
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