PCOS Review Newsletter #124
2) How's Your Sex Life?
There are some aspects of PCOS that nobody talks about. Like your sex life.
Sexuality is part of human existence. But little is known about how PCOS can affect your sexuality.
Maybe you feel you are the only person in the world who is less than satisfied when it comes to sex. If this is the case, you are not alone, according to the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
The researchers said almost half the women with polycystic ovarian syndrome reported that the syndrome had a great impact on their sex life.
Despite having the same number of partners and about the same frequency of sexual intercourse, PCOS women were generally less satisfied with their sex lives compared to other women.
They also reported that the women's overweight condition only had a minor negative effect on their sexual functioning.
On the other hand, the high level of testosterone that many women with PCOS have was associated with greater sexual satisfaction.
This study confirms that polycystic ovary syndrome is a multi-faceted disorder that includes a complex web of physical, mental and emotional components. This web affects every aspect of your being, including your sexuality.
Mansson M et al, Sexuality and psychological wellbeing in women with polycystic ovary syndrome compared with healthy controls, Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2011 Jan 11. [Epub ahead of print]
3) Ideas for Sensual Living
I recently received an inspiring message from someone who said: "I honor my sensuality by exploring sights, sounds, scents and textures that make me feel alive and connected to my body."
Sometimes it's easy to get lost in our heads and forget about our bodies.
You might try exploring your five senses and getting back in touch with your body. Doing so may make you feel better about yourself, which is always a big issue with women who are dealing with PCOS.
Here are some ideas for more sensual living.
Wear a pure silk scarf around your neck.
Take a moment to enjoy your morning coffee. I sprinkle it with cinnamon and allow yourself quiet time to enjoy it. Notice the smell and taste.
When you get home from work, give yourself the gift of silence and allow yourself to ease into your evening. No TV until after dinner and kitchen cleaned up. That way, you're not bombarded with noise or images and can take the time to ponder.
Sit next to a roaring fire with a cuddly fleece blanket wrapped around your shoulders.
Do Pilates, Yoga or Gyrotonic to keep you in touch with your body and keep you relaxed.
Light a tea candle to remind you to pray for others.
Use a heating pad to warm the end of your bed and your feet.
Experience the pleasant feeling of freshly laundered sheets on your bed.
Listen to playlists on your iPod while you exercise and work in the kitchen.
Wear comfy pajamas.
Have a hot soak with eucalyptus or lavender oils, a refreshing glass of lemon-water and a good "mindless" book.
Play around with different hair styles.
Go outside, stand on the grass, and ground yourself.
On Wednesday nights, don't answer the phone after 7 p.m. Toss your bathrobe in the dryer, and then put it on while it's warm, cuddle on the couch with your pets, a book, or a movie. It's a peaceful break in the middle of the week.
Buy a meditation app for your iPhone such as Mindfulness Meditation. Listen to it during idle moments. It will help you to slow down and be more aware in your life.
Swing in your hammock and daydream.
Have some hot tea with a pinch of freshly pounded ginger and fresh lemon grass.
Bring comfortable slippers to work.
Paint your toes.
Sensual self-care can do wonders for your self-esteem and stress reduction, which helps you gain the upper hand over PCOS.
Thought for Today: "The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision." -- Helen Keller
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