by Charlie
(Sydney, Australia)
Have i grabbed your attention? When I first found out I had PCOS all i wanted to do is read stories of real life people what there symptoms were, how it affected there lives, treatments and was it successful. So I feel it's my turn to do the same. It is an ongoing story but I have reached a point where I can honestly look back and share it
My periods started at a late age 13/14 and were heavy and some what regular. They either started the week before the end of the month or the week after.
When i started going out with my current husband at the age of 20, i started on the pill after a few opportunities and having to take the morning after pill. I laugh now when i think back to how scared I was of accidentally becoming pregnant, catholic and not married.
I went out with my boyfriends for 6 years before we married, and stayed on the pill for this time. A few times I purposely took the pill for 2 months straight so I wouldn't get a break through bleed. I did come off it for a few months to give myself a break. I felt i needed to, but was eventually told by a doctor that it wasn't required.
6 months after getting married I came off the pill in the hope of getting pregnant. At first my periods were irregular, sometimes i skipped a month, but they were never the nice 28 days etc etc. Then they stopped and I didn't get a period for 6 months.
At first I thought I'm pregnant, then after several negative pregnancy tests over 4 months I went to see my GP. After the first results came back she ummed and ahhed and sent me for a ultrasound which showed borderline polycystic ovaries.
She wanted to do more blood tests but as a nurse I knew deep in my heart this was serious so I organized to see a fertility specialist/gynecologist and asked my GP to her surprise for a referral. By this time my brother had got married over seas and I had lost 5-6kg for the wedding.
I then put myself on a diet and increased my exercise and lost another 5-6 kg. I was never "severely" overweight, but i was getting a little pudgy.
He did a few tests and started me on provera and clomid. Ahh the lovely side effects. I was like a whirlwind, teary and emotional then angry like a mad women.
I have since apologised profusely with my work mates and my poor suffering husband. Looking back my workmates also picked up that i was depressed. I really thought I wasn't going to be able to have children, and my slight facial hair on my moles was going to get worse. (become the wicked witch of the west) To me it felt like it was getting worse as was my oily skin and on and off acne.
The clomid and provera didn't work, I didn't even ovulate. I probably at this point hadn't ovulated in 9 months. After the public holidays of Christmas I was put on metformin. I was told it might take 3-4 months to work, probably 6-9months.
Ladies it took 3 weeks. I didn't just surprise myself but also my specialist. SO yes there is hope. I am 22 weeks pregnant with my first child and no problems so far. I am aware I have an increased chance of gestational diabetes and high Blood pressure, but I am being monitored.
Keep smiling. There are many options and treatments as well as life choices that can include the pitter patter of little feet even if you can't be the one to carry them. A friend told me that having kids is not the end all to life and she's right. It just feel like that when you are told that you probably won't. Where one door closes lots of windows will open.
Editor's note: Metformin does work for some women. Some medical studies have shown that an adequate level of exercise combined with a proper diet is as effective as metformin, only without the side effects.
Comments for POCS, weight loss, failed treatment, broken heart, metformin and then OMG
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