Some good PCOS news but what about non US residents?

by Marisa
(Barcelona (SPAIN))

Being diagnosed with PCOS is quite hard to accept, but after some days crying and feeling upset I began to do some research. I came across this website which I found really helpful and then I purchased the ebook.

I live with my parents and I find difficult to explain to my mother why I'm eating "such strange" but the fact is since I started this diet, only a week before my belly is not bloated anymore! I have never understood why my belly got bigger as the day went on and now I finally understand it.

Also acne has nearly disappeared.

I hope that this diet can also bring my periods back.

Finally I have to apologise for my english because I'm from Spain. Here I haven't found any specialised doctor yet. I want to take Vitex but I know it's not recommended to do it without consulting so...what should I do?

Any way thanks Dr. Dunne for this book and this website which has help thousand of PCOS sufferers as us!

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it's me again
by: Marisa

I just wanted to say that finally my periods got regular. I don't have them every 28 days, but I have them every month, which is more than I've ever expected!
Thanks to this natural approach!!!

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